Our Stories Unite Us

Our Story - Get To Know Us
At the heart of our practice is storytelling. Storytelling is more than just entertainment. It is how we pass down wisdom. Your experiences have taught you what is important to you and have informed the kind of impact you want to have on the world - in the work you do, the organizations you build and contribute to, and the relationships you cultivate and cherish. Stories are how we learn from one another. The telling of stories is how we connect with others through the moments that have defined us and taught us about who we are and who we strive to become.
What Our Clients Say
Business & Corporate Training
"Cyndi led several incredibly successful storytelling workshops for us. Her storytelling expertise, coupled with a highly engaging and enthusiastic approach, delivered real results. Initially skeptical senior executives left the sessions not only able to tell their own stories, but with a clear appreciation of the craft. This turned them into internal advocates for the power of storytelling, which led to further workshops. Whether in group sessions or one-on-one, Cyndi delivers results."
- Jack Teuber
Founder, Teuber Creative
It's been my pleasure collaborating with Brad from across the ocean and on the ground in NYC. I appreciate Brad's insight into my own storytelling abilities and the storytelling workshops I create and facilitate. In our coaching sessions, we share ideas and Brad asks great questions to take his own projects and learning to the next level. I recommend working with Brad whether your goals are entertainment, business communication, or both.
- Robert Kienzle
Senior Consultant at Knowmium
Legacy: Collecting Oral Histories & Workshops with Seniors
II can’t remember telling my children how I met their dad, but on Saturday morning my granddaughter was taking me to church and I told her how I met her granddad, she had such a laugh. There are many
other things I have to tell them about the generation before us, because I know quite a lot, but I never disclosed that to them and this storytelling is giving me the urge to do that.
- Ula
I am passing the same stories to my grandson and I want to make sure he remembers so he can tell them to his children.
- Dana
I had a very traumatic year, my wife was very-very ill with cancer and we lived through terrible-terrible times with the illness. I joined this [class] because I thought it would cheer me up, and it made me remember the happy days we had together and the wonderful things we did together. It really has been a great boost and I appreciate it.
- Jerry
This particular storytelling thing is great because we have a lot of people our age who have a lot of stories to tell. It’s a catharsis, it really is.
- Billy
I always wait for Monday - I even cancel appointments! When I get out of this class I have such a feeling inside me and I am more in love with the people of Brooklyn Heights – our teachers, they give us confidence.
- Tanya
It was a great success, a moral building activity!
- Jim
Performers & Artists
Brad’s method of encouraging self-expression and structure, along with support throughout the process of teaching his class on Storytelling, has been invaluable to me personally as I find my own voice.
- Deirdre Brady Lawless
I started class with Brad Lawrence with the conviction that I did not know how to tell a story. After two 6-week classes, I now feel very differently, and have a number of well-crafted stories to choose from. Brad's method included 1) demonstrating good storytelling and 2) providing the opportunity (and challenge!) for us to tell a story a week. His classes are a supportive place to try out new skills, and his feedback was helpful and effective. I highly recommend you try Brad's class for yourself.
- Charlotte Lowson
I am a hairstylist. Often clients would say that's a great story, so I signed up for Brad Lawrence's story telling class at The Irish Arts Center. What a great decision that was. Wow! I had no idea how much technique, style and timing went into storytelling. Brad is a great instructor. I learned so much! I liked it so much I signed up for two more sessions. He has a patient manner and deep understanding of the craft. Taking Brad's class certainly helped me hone my skills.
- Christina McLaughlin